Beautiful natural background in the school playground at SEN School in Birmingham


By taking the time and working closely with schools and families to understand each child, young person or adult's provides a comfortable, fun and enjoyable experience to photography sessions. 
School Photo shoot at a learning disabilities school in Warwickshire
A young girl with learning difficulties having her school photo taken in Birmingham
One cool dude in his school photography session in a Hertfordshire SEN School
Wonderful school photography session in Swindon
Candid School photography shot - engaging with the special needs children in their comfort zone
Teenage Asian girl with learning difficulties with beautiful smile college photograph
A handsome lad at a special needs school in the West Midlands having his school photograph taken
Informal school photos at a school in Watford, Hertfordshire
Young disabled boy with learning difficulties school portrait
A young boy enjoying the sunshine during his school photo session in Suffolk
Hello, young man! A fun school SEN school photography session in Hertfordshire
A beautiful smile from a young lady with special needs at a school photography session in East Sussex
A young boy with learning disabilities in Hertfordshire school  photo shoot
School portrait session for this handsome young man in Manchester
Young Asian girl with learning difficulties school photo
young boy with special needs having his school portrait in Coventry
Lovely outdoor school photograph session in autumn at a special needs school in Stratford Upon Avon
Young disabled girl posing for her school photo in Walsall
Teenage autistic girl school photo
Teenage Asian girl with learning disabilities school photo
A lovely smile from this teenage girl.
Gorgeous smile young man! At a learning difficulties school in Hertfordshire
School Photography session at Lakeside SLD school Welwyn Garden City
A teenage black boy having his school photograph taken at a school for those with learning difficulties.
Young boy with learning disabilities school photograph Birmingham
A beautiful young gir with disabilities having her school photograph taken in Birmingham
Enjoying the outdoor weather with this pretty girl having her photograph taken.
Natural and organic photos in a fun environment. Hertfordshire.
Young girl with special educational needs school photo
Outdoor play, taking some natural and candid school photos at a SEN school in Swindon
Young boy with learning difficulties having his school photograph taken in Gainsborough
Leland giving the thumbs up for his SEN school photo session
Bubbles, bubbles - a young boy with learning difficulties having his school photograph taken.
Sibling love! Candid school sibling photography session
Young boy with complex needs school photograph
A beautiful teenage girl with learning difficulties having her school photo taken - Columbus School Chelmsford
Autistic girl with learning difficulties school photo
Beautiful Lucy having her individual photo taken as part of our charity work with the Henry Allen Trust - a charity for children and young people with cancer